What is desexing?

Desexing, also known as surgical sterilization, is a surgical procedure performed on your cat or dog so that they are unable to reproduce. You may have heard it referred to as “castration, neutering” or “spaying” in the case of males and females respectively.

However, the procedure is not as complicated as it sounds. A trained and certified vet performs the simple surgery under anaesthesia. During the operation, the reproductive organs are removed, and the incision is sutured. They will experience minimal discomfort. With the appropriate pain management, most pets rebound very quickly and are back to their energetic selves in no time. Your dog will also still be as protective over you and its home as always.

There is strong advocacy for surgical sterilization as it is also a highly effective public policy intervention. It is aimed at reducing the number of unwanted and stray animals that are typically at a high risk of being exposed to a tough life, being euthanized or becoming the victim of a motor vehicle accident or fatal fight. 

Why desexing is a good option for your pet

Animals who have been desexed are reported to have an increased life-span, especially in females. The heat cycle occurs bi-annually in dogs, and more often in cats. It can be uncomfortable and tiring for the animal, as well as noisy for you and your neighbours. It is also often associated with bleeding in female dogs. Desexing interrupts this cycle from happening.

While studies have shown that desexing males is less impactful in population control compared to their female counterparts, there are still many reasons to proceed with the surgery. It reduces the risk of various types of cancers in male dogs, as well as prostatic diseases. The most significant benefits are seen in behaviour modification. The procedure is associated with decreased libido, roaming and urinary marking. If you own more than one male dog, it can help mellow an aggressive temperament.

In females, it decreases the risk of many serious reproductive diseases such as uterine infections and cancers. It also safeguards her from many of the health risks associated with pregnancy such as eclampsia, emergency caesarean section, difficult births and much more.

When should I book the procedure?

While it is ideal for desexing to occur before six months in dogs and three months in cats, the procedure can be performed at any age. It is best to do it before they enter puberty as older animals, especially females, require more complicated surgery. Despite popular belief, there is no need for the female to have a litter of pups before being spayed.


Overall, the benefits of desexing far outweigh any risks that may be associated with the procedure. It is not only an important social obligation of the owner, but it also offers your loved and cherished pets the chance at a longer, happier and more comfortable life with you.

Contact us to discuss desexing your pet.